Caron Treatment Center
Caron Treatment Centers is a not-for-profit dedicated to addiction and behavioral healthcare treatment, research, prevention, and medical education. Caron wanted to create a new website but wanted to focus on using research and data to drive the charge. I conducted user interviews with referents and admission specialists to guide our UX and UI work along with the visual design and user testing.
Work Completed at O3 World
As a first step to understanding what Caron’s users want and need out of the new website, our team ran a number of different audits on the current site and competitor sites. I was able to conduct some interviews with referents and admission specialists at Caron to gather knowledge about the referral process and how it relates to the website. Those findings were part of a larger base of work that helped to inform the new site layout and design.
User Interviews
Referent and admissions specialist interview sessions were conducted to collect general feedback, improvements, and enhancements for Caron’s website and digital experiences.
Key Findings
Referents aren’t using the website very often, other than sending the website link to patients and families.
The website is hard to navigate and users get frustrated.
Users have a hard time grasping the difference between all of the treatment centers and their locations through the website.
Patients and families are most often looking for staff and credentials when visiting the website.
The website can be useful as a tool for referents to give to patients by showing them campus photos and tours, their potential bedroom, their therapist, staff members, etc.
The website shouldn’t be the only vehicle to get someone to go to Caron. Calling the facility and speaking to a specialist will never go away.
The human connection is crucial in this type of industry.
Information on the website needs to be targeted to patients and families who are looking to learn key differentiators and quick facts about the facility and staff.
The website should ultimately get someone to make the call to Caron.
User Testing
Our team worked through the strategy and UX work and I was able to come back in to work through all of the visual design. Once we were in a good spot with the visuals we conducted a set of one hour usability testing sessions for the new Homepage, Navigation and Program Details to gain some insight and feedback on the overall user experience.
Key Findings
Overwhelming the site feedback was positive, giving off feelings of it being engaging and clear.
Functionally the navigation worked well and provided the participants with the information they needed and expected.
Participants were excited with the new layout and content on the Program Details pages.
Overall, minor edits and language adjustments can give us some quick wins.
Evolving Website
After all of the hard work Caron and our team put in we were able to launch a MVP site. We are constantly iterating on the site and coming up with new improvements.